Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of Preschool

So, today is Olivia's first day of preschool...homeschool style, and at this point, I'm kind of kicking myself for trying to do a 'structured' curriculum. To put it mildly...she just doesn't have the patience, or the attention span for it.

I decided to go this route for no other reason than my 'stuck in the box' thinking that she just wouldn't learn enough through playing. But who knows, maybe sensory bins and playtime all the time is a better option. She has done well with her worksheets this morning...I guess as well as can be expected for a first day of school. She has more left for later this afternoon, but I'm second guessing myself like crazy. She fights so hard against following the directions. Even when I'm giving her lots of encouragement that she's doing it right. 

Then there's the little things that irritate me, even though I try my best to remember...she is only 4, and I'm pretty sure it's normal for them to NOT color inside the lines, lol. 

Long story short, I'm going to stick with it, try to lighten up, and add some more sensory play and decrease the number of worksheets per day. 

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